
想い出の風景 - PENS研究生との取り組み - Scenery of memories - Efforts with PENS internship students -

  They headed to Haneda airport by bus in the early morning, Already, the following pictures have become memories scenery. As a record of them and Watanabe who was their buddy...

It seems that Elisa is explaining. It is thought that they are communicating based on facts by showing the results on the display.

Although it was as short as a month, there was more progress than planned.  They return on holiday.  I think that Watanabe was also pulled by them.

It seems that Icon writes on paper and explained it. Explaining using the figures and tables make it easier to understand and deeper than anything else. This is common in all countries.

I think that we are acquiring warning sound data. We will continue to use data acquired by them as assets of the laboratory.

 They are still in the second year of the PENS. In this way, I think that working on theme as a member of the laboratory will have some influence on their lives in the future. In this sense, our works as the receiving side is important and we feel responsibility for them. They made good speeches at the final presentation. Now the thought of relief is coming up.

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