
お別れの時 Time to Say Goodbye

  どのようなことも終わりがあります。528日に来たタイ チュラロンコーン大学の12名の研修生も、本日84日、帰国のときを迎えました。
  Everything has its end. Twelve internship students from Thailand Chulalongkorn University who came on May 28th return home today (August 4th).


Before 8 am. Their luggage had already been collected from the apartment. The staff of the International Affairs Office gathered from the apartment using light trucks. I heard that Kamimura kun (M1 students) contributed great help for its work. Thank you.

They are waiting for a bus to Narita Airport. I head their flight for Bangkok is about 3 pm in the afternoon. Since the time difference is 2 hours, it seems that they will arrive in Bangkok just after 7 pm. If so, it is surprisingly close, is not it?


They were bright and intelligent. It was fun to be with.


Prof. Takano's last greeting, who is in charge of this internship project


The last scene. Get on the bus, from now on to Narita, then Bangkok.


  It was a bit of a two-month training, but I think that it was a dense training. They seem to be in the new semester after one week back from home. They gave up their summer vacation and they are participating in this program. We feel the responsibility to make this training meaningful in that sense. We will continue to cooperate with Chula's profs. to maintain and develop this training program in the future.

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