It has already been reported in this Blog that we accepted 6 students from the top university of Thailand, Chulalongkorn Univ. (Reference article1, article2, article3). This report is scenery of one lecture. I am sorry that the sentences are not corrected by a native checker as usual.
5月半ばから8月上旬の研修期間中に、3つのチーム分かれて実施する担当テーマの実施に並行して、学外の組織見学、学内の研究室訪問とともに、画像・情報系に関する講義も週1回のペースで聴講してもらっています。特別講義シリーズfor チュラという感じでしょうか?
The period of their internship is from the middle of May to the beginning
of August. They are divided into 3 teams
to carry on each research. In addition
to their own research theme, they visit to external organizations, and
facilities, study rooms in KAIT. They also
receive lectures on image and information technologies once a week. It seems to be a special lecture course for
Chula. The main subjects of this course are
composed with image processing, internet technologies, computer graphics and 3
dimensional display technologies etc.
Today is my turn. My subject is “Wireless
communication technologies”, I made lecture on basic and common region of
wireless technologies.

is one scene just after lecture. The man
in the back is me. I was relieved
because of no troubles in my lecture. By
the way, don’t you think that all smiles of Chula. students are very charming
and attractive? Every photo is attractive.
Why? Because of their character
or social standing of birth?
という内容で話しました。彼らの専門は、Imaging & printing technologiesなので、我々が普段使っているスマートフォンなどを意識して、基本的かつ重要な内容に絞りました。
scene seems to just before the lecture. The tile of my lecture is "Introduction
of wireless communication”. The main
contents are as follows.
・History & features of wireless communication
・Basic principles for data transmission
・Basic ideas of high speed transmission
Since their major is “Imaging and printing
technologies”, I focused on the basic and fundamental region considering a
smartphone used in our daily life.

Although I said, “Listen taking a rest !! You can sleep !! “, they listened diligent and no one slept. The response of loud voice was occurred, I don’t have this kind of experience in regular lecture to Japanese students. They also took memos in important points.
加えて、講義を始めたとき、Dr. ピアラットさん(彼女は彼らのチュラの先輩)が加わって、私の隣に座ってくれました。以前の見学の時でも、私の説明が不十分なときは、チュラの学生に対して説明を加えて、彼らの理解を助けてくれました。大変ありがたく、心強かったです。また、私が伝えたいところでは、確実にメモされていました。実に聡明で理解が速い、と改めて感じました。
In addition, Piyarat Silapasuphakornwong Ph.D (Dr. Jip, She is a
their senior.) joined just after lecture started. She was kind enough to sit next to me. She added her explanation when my explanation
was insufficient for their understanding in the visits for AIST and JAXA. I really appreciated her kindness and was encouraged
by her in this lecture. And also she
took memos in the part which I wanted to strongly transmit. I recognize again that she is very smart and quick
to understand.
Thank you very much for receiving my lecture that is not so interesting
taking over one hour. I spent much time
for preparation compared with the regular lecture^_^. But this lecture gave me a good experience and
a good memory. Although it might be
small and be a little, I felt that I gave them some knowledge and transmitted some
ideas to the smart students from Thailand via this lecture. However it took some time to prepare, this
lecture surely became a pleasant and memorable one from these points.
would like to introduce a comment by a student(Mr. Shibata) of our lab. Of course, English is written by himself.
XX lecture was concise and easy English. So, it was easy to
understand. But I was tired than usual
in English lecture. I would like to
increase my English vocabulary.
Although your research theme seems somewhat different from the contents of this lecture by Prof. Hiroshi Tanaka, I think it was very useful and helpful to widen your view of research field.
返信削除Please enjoy a stay in Japan and in our university though the remaining period may be short!