
PENS学生がナシゴレンをご馳走してくれました PENS students made “nasi goreng”

I forgot who wrote this article,  Morisita or Ohga.  I think these sentenses were written by Morishita from sentense structure. 
On the afternoon of 25th October 2017, PENS students made “nasi goreng”. Nasi goreng seems to be Indonesian rice dish.

The following is the state of cooking. First, make scrambled eggs. Next, fry it with rice.

調理の様子Cooking situation 1
調理の様子Cooking situation 2
ここでスパイスの投入です。一からこのスパイスは作成できないのでインスタントに頼ります。これで完成ですが、味見という名のつまみ食いは忘れません。Here is the introduction of spices. Since we cannot create this spice from the beginning, we depend on the instant spice. It is complete, but we will never forget the Tasting.
調理の様子Cooking situation 3

味見する大賀君  Oga-kun to taste
We had lunch with everyone who was in the laboratory. This time the teacher is also present. After eating, We had a lecture watching youtube videos how to make
nasi goreng that does not rely on instant spice.

ランチの様子Lunch situation 1

ランチの様子Lunch situation 2
I think that the exchange was deepened through lunch. I think that they are returning home when this article is posted, but I think that it would be nice to have them as memories.


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