
チュラロンコーン大学Aran先生の訪問 / Visit from Aran-sensei, Chulalongkorn University

先日、Imaging and Printing学科より、Aran先生が研修生の様子などを見学に訪問されました。


Twelve students from Chulalongkorn university (CU), Thailand are studying at KAIT. One of their supervisors, Aran-sensei visited our laboratories to see his students and their research progresses.

During just three hours, Aran-sensei had a meeting with Uehira-sensei (Vice president of KAIT) and Matsumoto-sensei (Head of Faculty of Information Technology) as well as other senseis and staffs from International Office, and visited each laboratory and talked with his CU students and KAIT students who are planning to study at CU in this August.

松本情報学部長とAran先生 (Matsumoto-sensei and Aran-sensei)

田中博研究室にて (At H.Tanaka Lab.)

坂内研究室にて (At Bannai Lab.)

鷹野研究室にて  (At Takano Lab.)


チュラ生12名はいよいよ研修テーマ企画発表会(6/27 5限、K-305)があります。

We would like to give our thanks to staffs from International Office for their supports as well. Thank you always for your cooperation.

Twelve CU students will have a presentation session for introducing the research topic and plan on June 27. KAIT students, please join this event and listen to their presentations!

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