An internship student joined our lab. At
first, it is necessary to understand each other. We introduced ourselves.
これは誰がやっているのでしょうか? ワイヤレスマウスとワイヤレスキーボードを使うとPCから離れていても操作できます。右手にマウスを持っている小川君が話しているシーンと思われます。
Who made presentation? It is not necessary
to approach PC, because we can operate it by a wireless mouse and a keyboard. It
is a scene of Ogawa’s talking since he held the wireless mouse in his hand.
This seems a shot of my presentation judging
from the faintly visible screen of powerpoint.
I told movies which moved me, three are foreign which is very famous and one is Japanese
movie. Those are so old that she doesn’t
know. Two movies are produced before I was born. When I told the Soviet Union which is the stage
of the movie, I explained the war between Japan and Russia. I was surprised at the fact that she knows that
war. She said “I learned in class of
history”. As usual(^_^), Japanese students didn’t hear my explanation.
This is her self-introduction scene. There was a shot with her family members, that
is the same case of Mai kun last year. It
was taken when the family came to see her off at the airport for this
internship. I felt warm and good atmosphere. I feel tension because I have to
cherish a precious daughter for her family.
Of course, I want her to get many things by
this internship, but first of all I would like her to enjoy this opportunity and
staying in Japan rather than anything else.
I tried using the translation site for the
first time. It is amazing. It was quick and at least a great help.
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